Where is Democratic Republic of the Congo located?

Democratic Republic of the Congo is located in Africa, in time zones from GMT+1 (06:59 PM, Saturday) to GMT+2 (07:59 PM, Saturday). It is positioned on 2345410 km² area with population of approximately 70.9 million. Neighbor countries: Tanzania, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Rwanda, Zambia, Burundi, Uganda, Republic of the Congo, Angola.

What is the capital of Democratic Republic of the Congo?

Capital of Democratic Republic of the Congo is Kinshasa.

Latitude-longitude position of COD

Latitude (dec.) Latitude (DMS)
North border 5.3920029 5° 23' 31.21" North
South border -13.4590349 13° 27' 32.526" South
Height ↕ ∼2096 km
West border East border
Longitude (dec.) 12.1454000 31.3146120
Longitude (DMS) 12° 8' 43.44" East 31° 18' 52.603" East
Width ↔ ∼2126.1 km

Democratic Republic of the Congo on world map

Democratic Republic of the Congo
City you are looking for (69):

Largest cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo

• Base of the used natural world map was created by Tom Patterson, cartographer.
Boundary lines of Democratic Republic of the Congo were drawn using data from boundaries.us.
• Geographic location: processed from www.geonames.org database.