Where is East Timor located?

East Timor is located in Oceania, in GMT+9 time zone (with current time of 12:43 AM, Sunday). Offset from your time zone: hours. It is positioned on 15007 km² area with population of approximately 1.2 million. Neighbor countries: Indonesia.

What is the capital of East Timor?

Capital of East Timor is Dili.

Latitude-longitude position of TLS

Latitude (dec.) Latitude (DMS)
North border -8.0484000 8° 2' 54.24" South
South border -9.5303001 9° 31' 49.08" South
Height ↕ ∼164.8 km
West border East border
Longitude (dec.) 124.0332000 127.4249000
Longitude (DMS) 124° 1' 59.52" East 127° 25' 29.64" East
Width ↔ ∼372.6 km

East Timor on world map

East Timor

Largest cities in East Timor

• Base of the used natural world map was created by Tom Patterson, cartographer.
Boundary lines of East Timor were drawn using data from boundaries.us.
• Geographic location: processed from www.geonames.org database.